• Pipeline is composed of two DNN Models and a final Random Forest Model
    • MRI DNN Model – processes MRI Images
    • Ultra-Sound (US) DNN Model – processes ultrasound Images
    • Random Forest – processes output from MRI and ultrasound model along with patient metadata

Deep Neural Network MRI Model

Model Parameters

  • Framework – PyTorch
  • Model: Resnet18
  • EC2: g4dn.xlarge
  • Single Node
  • GPU: T4
  • Epoch: 120
  • Batch Size: 22
  • Automatic Mixed Precision
  • Pixel Crop: 56
  • Images To Use: 25
  • LR: Cosine Annealing
  • Image Size: 700
  • Learning Rate Start: 0.01


  • MRI Images


  • Biopsy Data → Binary Cancer Presence, from Cancer in Core %
    • If Cancer in Core % > 0 | Label = Pos
    • If Cancer in Core % = 0 | Label = Neg

Deep Neural Network Ultrasound MODEL

Model Parameters

  • Framework – PyTorch
  • Model: Resnet18
  • EC2: g4dn.xlarge
  • Single Node
  • GPU: T4
  • Epoch: 120
  • Batch Size: 22
  • Automatic Mixed Precision
  • Pixel Crop: 56
  • Images To Use: 25
  • LR: Cosine Annealing
  • Image Size: 700
  • Learning Rate Start: 0.01


  • US Images


  • Biopsy Data → Binary Cancer Presence, from Cancer in Core %
    • If Cancer in Core % > 0 | Label = Pos
    • If Cancer in Core % = 0 | Label = Neg


  • Random Forest Model was selected as it has the best results and the results have no false negatives
  • Perfect true positive rate, every patient who does have cancer is correctly classified by the model
  • In a healthcare setting, especially with a condition such as cancer, the consequences of a false negative far outweigh the consequences of a false positive

Model Parameters

  • Framework – scikit-learn
  • Model – Random Forrest
  • Estimators – 100


  • DNN MRI→ Cancer Probability (0.0-1.0)
  • DNN US→ Cancer Probability (0.0-1.0)
  • DICOM→ Age | Height | Weight | Ethnicity
  • Blood Test → PSA protein concentration


  • Biopsy Data → Binary Cancer Presence, from Cancer in Core %
    • If Cancer in Core % > 0 | Label = Pos
    • If Cancer in Core % = 0 | Label = Neg